Chronic Pain Relief

During this energetic healing session for chronic pain relief, a non-touch technique is employed to address the root cause of the pain. Through telepathy, the practitioner connects with the patient's energy field to uncover underlying issues contributing to the pain. 

With focused intention and sensitivity, the practitioner identifies energetic blockages and imbalances, gently guiding the patient towards releasing stored tension and trauma. As the energy begins to flow more freely, the body's natural healing mechanisms are activated, promoting relaxation and pain relief. 

It's worth noting that for conditions like chronic pain, migraines, and post-surgery discomfort, it's often recommended to undergo 2 or 3 sessions to recondition the mind and reinforce the effects of the healing process. Throughout the session, the patient remains comfortably seated or lying down, experiencing a profound sense of relief as the healing energy works to restore harmony and well-being.

How does a session go

15 min

The session commences with a warm welcome and an opportunity for the patient to express their concerns regarding chronic pain. The practitioner conducts a thorough assessment of the patient's current state, utilizing telepathy to sense underlying energetic imbalances contributing to the pain. The patient is encouraged to share any specific areas of discomfort or known past traumas that may be influencing their condition.

20 min

With a focus on telepathic communication, the practitioner delves into the patient's energy field to pinpoint the root cause of the chronic pain. Through gentle probing and intuitive insight, they identify any emotional or energetic blockages that may be exacerbating the physical symptoms. The patient is guided through a process of self-awareness and reflection to acknowledge and release these underlying issues.

20 min

Using a non-touch healing technique, the practitioner channels healing energy to the areas of the body affected by chronic pain. Through focused intention and visualization, they work to dissolve energetic blockages and restore balance to the patient's energy field. The patient may experience sensations of warmth, tingling, or relaxation as the healing energy permeates their being, alleviating tension and discomfort.

5 min

As the session draws to a close, the practitioner and patient reflect on the experiences and insights gained. The practitioner offers guidance on self-care practices and mindfulness techniques to support the ongoing healing process. It is emphasized that multiple sessions may be beneficial for conditions like chronic pain, migraines, and post-surgery discomfort, to recondition the mind and reinforce the effects of the healing process. The patient is encouraged to maintain an open mind and heart as they continue their journey towards greater well-being and pain relief.